1. Take a packed lunch with you to work. Most of us nowadays pop out for lunch, often with some of our co-workers, and often choose less than healthy food options which we wash down with a large cup of coffee or two. Instead take your packed lunch out for a walk (or better still a run) and, when you get tired, stop off to eat.
2. Try 'working out' instead of 'vegging out'. At the end of most working days there are usually a couple of programs on the television that I like to catch to help me unwind and relax. However, instead of stretching out on the couch (probably with a packet of biscuits and a cup of coffee) try doing some exercise and watching the television at the same time. This can be as simple as doing some stretching exercises, sit ups or light weight lifting or, if you are really serious about your exercise, why not set up a small home gym in the house and watch your favorite program while using an exercise bike or a treadmill.
3. Try to reduce the number of coffee breaks you have during the day. It is surprising just how coffee breaks can eat into the day and if you make a note of how long you spend on coffee breaks in an average day you will probably be amazed at just how much time they all add up to. One idea might be to simply roll these breaks up into just a couple of longer breaks each day and use this time to take some exercise, even if it is just walking around your office building or climbing a few flights of stairs. You will also find that the endorphins which your body produces as a result of even a little bit of exercise will do more to stimulate you that your cup of coffee!
4. Make exercise part of your social life. We all like to get out with our friends and chew over the problems of the world but, instead of sitting around in your local bar or coffee shop to do so, why not find a more challenging venue and combine your socializing with a game of badminton, squash or even bowling.
5. Try a little housework. Okay, I can hear a lot of you throwing up your hands in horror but many forms of housework such as cleaning the kitchen, washing down the bathroom, mowing the lawn (not with your favorite ride-on lawn mower), and digging over the vegetable patch are all great forms of exercise. They don't do your house any harm either.
These are just a few simple ideas and I am sure that you can come up with many more of your own. It really doesn't matter what you do, as long as you fit some exercise into your daily routine. And remember, if you haven't done any exercise for a while, take it slow at first and build yourself up gradually.
Before you set up your own home gym check out the health and fitness articles at Lifetime-Fitness-Made-Simple.com for information on everything from simple exercise routines to approaching your local exercise equipment dealer.
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